Active dreaming, shamanic journeying and healing

I'm just a speck of dust on the top of the Great Drum during days I'm dancing up, at nights I'm dancing down. Who is the Drummer, that makes me dance by his song? Who is the Drummer, that beats the Great Drum?


What can I offer?

Individual online or in person

Active dreaming

Individual sessions in active dreaming, and shamanic lucid healing. First we find your needs and the best way to help you online or in person.

Online group

Dream circle

Online Individual

Dream counselling

Individual dreamwork session with your current or old dream using Lightning dreamwork and dream return for deeper understanding your dreams.


is the place,

where you can meet your spiritual allies, find healing and answers important for your life story or insights to your current situation.

You can find ways, how to remember your soul intention, traveling through the Universe. You can find the answers in complicated life situations, choose the right decisions and make appropriate steps on your path in harmony with your purpose.

is the offer

of new ways of approach to life, people and the society. Life is changing so we also have to change. Change is the only certainty. Before elements swallow us again, before we leave face of this Earth, what life do we choose? In fear or love, egoism or mutual support, in scarcity or abundance?

May you accept this offer

of healing and transformation.
Stand up for your life, be active player and director of your story. Allow yourself transform into the new way of living. Let me offer you help and support in healing, connecting to spiritual world where you can find knowledge, insights, inspiration and sense of belonging. Let's extend our circle.

About me

Petr Nemcansky,

I would like to participate in giving birthing to new society, healthy and spiritually evolving and dreaming the best possible version of our future. It has been a long time since I started doubting about narration of the traditional western educational and socio-cultural systems.

However, first I had to get lost in order to find the way my soul came to live here. It is an ongoing process from moment to moment paying attention to what is needed and what can be released. 

I love being at service to those who strive to find their way through uneasy times of the transformation, both individual nad collective, through shamanic journeying, coaching and active dreaming.

what people say about me


Contact info

Petr Němčanský
+420 774 580 865

Billing info

ID 64487768
IBAN CZ27 0800 0000 0063 3993 2349

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